Thursday, November 13, 2008


So my youngest has decided to be a trial! I Love him so much but he is definitely a menace. It all started last week, I was doing laundry and not paying attention to him and suddenly he and Evelyn are covered in pink and purple acrylic paint. This lovely artwork is also all over my white carpet! I really didn't know what to do at that point he is only two and I am not sure he understands the gravity of what he did. He served his time in the corner, but as soon as I let him out he was pointing and laughing at the "pretty" mess on the floor. But wait there's more...

This week I had Visiting Teaching to do so I was taking a shower early in the morning instead of at nap time, while I was otherwise occupied he decided to climb up on the counter and get into the brand new HUGE bag of cereal. Keith proceeded to dump the entire bag out in the living room and then crunch it like it was bubble wrap. I enjoyed my shower but really it was not worth it I should have just waited, I am sure my VT would have understood. So you would think that I had totally learned my lesson but...

Just yesterday as I was talking on the phone with my MIL Leslie I noticed Keith had something white on his face so as soon as I got off the phone I tracked him down. He had gotten into the fridge and gotten out a tub of whipped topping he then "painted" with it all over my couch and his body. Thankfully it cleans easily so I just had to go into the kitchen and get a clean wet cloth, I felt something sticky and wet on my feet and when I looked down I realized that the whipped topping was not the only thing he had gotten into. There were three eggs cracked on my kitchen floor and I had walked right through the mess.

This child of mine has extreme ninja skills I almost never hear him when he is up to mischief. I do not know what to do about all the messes he makes. I try to have activities for the kids so they don't get bored but I do need to get house work done and as it stands now I can only work when he is in bed for the night or napping. I just keep telling myself that one day I will miss him at this stage, but really I worry he will just graduate from this type of mess making to a whole other level when he is older.

I love him and I know that others have it way worse than I do, I just thought I would share a little of why I call him menace! I would also say that he is my most affectionate child. He is always snuggling and hugging me, he loves to give kisses and he says I love lou all the time. he brings just as much joy as trouble into my life.

1 comment:

  1. Keith and Annie should get along just fine in a year or two! :) We'll definitely have to keep them separated. Now that I finally found your blog, I'll have to add it to my list!
