Thursday, November 20, 2008


Evelyn is my DRAMA child, she has to have things her way or no way at all. She has always been an expert at temper tantrums, and Kevin and I had a hard time not laughing because it was always so cute and dramatic. Everything she does is over the top, if she is upset, if she is happy, its always the extreme! I love giving her little gifts because her gratitude is so overwhelming, also when she watches a movie she really gets into the feelings of the characters. Evelyn was watching Tinkerbell the other day and at one point in the movie Tink doesn't feel like she fits in so she is sitting sadly outside of the group, well this just gripped Evelyn's little heart and she started to cry because Tink was sad. She watched the Jesus Christ video where they crucify him and when the soldiers started to whip him she was crying "Mom what are they doing? Why are they doing that to Jesus?" It goes both way s when someone on TV is happy Eva will Laugh and smile with them. She is a delight her personality shines through in everyting that she does, you can just see it all over her face! Here are some snap shots I took of her the other day at Leslie's house. I did not pose her for any of them she did that on her own!

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