Tuesday, November 18, 2008

BATS part II

So Sunday I had to go to church early for meetings and stay after for meetings so when I got home I was very tired and wanted a nap! Unfortunately the kids were awake and not tired at all so I sent them upstairs to the play room in the attic so I could sleep, Kaiden asked "what if there are bats up there?" I promptly replied "there are no bats just go." The next thing I know Kaiden is yelling "there is a bat on the stairs and I touched it, its scary it showed it teeth at me!" Sure enough it was a bat! and it was alive and Kaiden touched it! Well Kevin got a jar and we caught it and called animal control to come and get it so they can test it for rabies. Meanwhile we did some research to see how exposed you need to be before you need a shot, Kaiden swears he was not bit but it made me nervous. Bat bites are extremely easy to overlook because there teeth are so small and sharp it just feels like a pin prick so you might not even know if you were bit!! Kevin decided that he felt Kaiden was safe not to get the shot so we didn't go to the hospital. Kevin continued to research for the whole day and by that evening he was a little freaked out and thought maybe Kaiden should have a shot after all, by this time he was in bed asleep and I didn't want to wake him so we decided to wait until the next morning. Well to make a long story a little shorter we didn't take him to the doctor we decided to give him a blessing. I feel comfortable with that and I think he will be fine. We will get the results of the rabies test on Wed. or Thur. so I will update you all then. Needless to say I did not get my nap!


  1. Holy cow, Amanda! That's crazy! Can animal control do anything about the bats in your house?! At least figure out where they're coming from? Good luck...

  2. there is a guy you can hire who will come in and plug up the wholes so they can't get in once we get his number then we will call him and have him work his magic. since bats don't chew their way in once your house is sealed against them it is pretty permanent.
