Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A quick note.

So I had a great birthday week, it seemed like I was getting spoiled everyday! We are busy at the scrapbook store and between that and trying to get my house organized so it will be easy to clean I am crazy busy.

I love seeing my children grow a little each day and discover new things, Koen is so cute and he still has that baby feel so I am not missing the babies or anything. Keith is growing into quite the helper, he is really good at helping with chores in the morning but the later it gets in the day the less helpful he is. He also likes to "babysit" Koen for me.

Evelyn is very social and her and her friends are into BOYS! I can't believe it I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this until she was 11 at least! They are fun to listen to. Julianna is growing taller even though she is still very short! She is excited to turn 10 soon and tells me every chance she gets that she is almost old enough for young womens.

Kevin had been doing really well with his running he comes home after a run and has a huge smile because he made his goal time. Kaiden wants to start running again but I haven't had time to take him out, we are going to have to figure this out so he can get going.I am still working on losing 3o lbs from my pregnancy with Koen and my goal is to have them gone by April when I go to UT for a friends wedding. It would be nice to fit into one of my old dresses instead of having to buy something in this larger size. I have all the tools to do it I just need to buckle down.

I can't wait for the warmer weather to be here for good, we have been having really nice days followed by really nasty ones. Yesterday the kids were home for a snow day again, we now have to go to school through June first.Koen was really sick last week, poor baby. He had really really bad diarrhea, he also threw up three times. He never had a fever, but he wanted to be held constantly and you could tell he was miserable. He feels fine now and none of the other kids got sick so I am counting myself lucky with that. We did have to be super vigilant about fluids to make sure that he didn't become dehydrated.


  1. He just looks big in these photos. He barely weighs 20lbs. He does look more like a toddler and less like a baby but he still acts like a baby!!
