So once again I forgot the camera for my child's baptism, luckily a friend had an iphone and was able to get some snap shots for me. I wish I could have taken my own but this is definitely better than nothing. It was a great day he was so happy.He had a few of his friends share memories of their baptism and that was really great to hear some of his role models share their testimonies specifically to Kaiden.
He had Veronica Holt (his good friends mom) give the talk on the Holy Ghost, she gave him a tin that had neat little things in it to represent the Holy Ghost. He looks through it almost every day and a few Mondays ago he gave the lesson at F.H.E. and he told each of us what the things in the tin represent.
It is very obvious that Kaiden's baptism was important to him and I am happy for him and the choice he has made.
Oh, these pictures make me so sad that we missed it!!! Give your kids hugs from us! My kids don't like driving through St. Joseph anymore because they don't get to stop and see their cousins...