Our trip to Indianapolis for Kevin's marathon was really fun we left Fri morning and spent the rest of the day at the Indianapolis Children's Museum. The pictures are not really in the right order but you still get the idea. After the museum we went and picked up Kevin and Kaiden's race packets and then had a nice relaxing dinner at Bob Evan's restaurant the kids loved it and were so good. Once we got to our hotel some of them went swimming with Kevin for a little while, Kaiden chose to stay with me in the room and watch cartoons. Julianna cut the heal of her foot open while opening the door to the pool, on the way back to the room, so she was upset about that. Over all, the day went well and we had a great time, we were able to get in bed fairly early in preparation for the race on Sat. I will post all about the race later.
This is a picture of the kids on a Nile crocodile. The journey to Egypt exhibit was pretty fun but I didn't get any pictures. It was the last one we did this day and I was exhausted!
The kids loved the frog exhibit, they had about 30 live frogs in terrariums that we could see and read about. Because of the glass I was not able to get pictures, one of the frogs was about the size of Koen's head! The kids also got to play the froggyland game and get a little prize and the end, they loved it! Keith really loved dressing up as a frog and jumping around the Lilly pads!
The dinosaurs were the favorite of the day, we spent almost two hours at this exhibit. There were scientist jackets that they got to wear while they examined bones, and a dinosaur suit they could wear and play in the dino nest. Kaiden loved this spot the best, Keith was torn between this and the frogs! They even got to touch an actual T-Rex fossil!
This was another archeology spot, the kids learned about the terracotta soldiers that were found and they even got to excavate their own soldier! There was also an Egyptian dig that the kids did but I must have missed getting pictures.
This was the underwater archeology exhibit. Keith really got into the idea that he was under water in one of the pictures you can tell he is holding his breath! They got to measure old cannons from a ship wreck!
After the Bat show the kids did a little entertaining on the stage for us!
Bats!! There was a special bat show so we got tickets and went, the kids loved it. They tried to get as close as they could when the guy walked around with the bats. All of the bats that he had were injured and unable to fly. They were pretty neat and we learned a lot of stuff that we didn't know before.
Koen loved the trains there were a tone of them including this huge one that you could "ride" on. They had a video of passing scenery going outside of one whole side of the train along with sound effects so it felt like you were on a moving train. This train was brought into the building once the foundation was set and the rest of the building was built around it.
At the entrance to the Children's museum the kids all took a turn as a vampire or a bat. The museum has a huge haunted house going and there were witches and vampires walking around. We skipped it since it didn't seam like our kid's were quite old enough to appreciate being scared!
Eating lunchables! In the car on the way to Indianapolis, the kids love lunchables and we never get them so I thought for a special treat on this trip we could have them for lunch. They decided they like the pizza ones the best so that is what they are eating.
There was a Barbie fashion exhibit, Evleyn loved it! You could do Barbie's makeup her hair and design an outfit for her. there were tons of Barbies for the kids to play with and dress up. There were also dress up outfits you could put on and then walk the runway! there were fake cameras and a dj stand that the boys really liked.
work it Kev work it!!! :D